Thursday, April 29, 2010


Recently I had the pleasure of hearing The Pioneer Woman speak. She talked about the different hats that she wears, among other hilarious things, and spoke about how she feels like blogging is so organic for her and that it is something that she truly loves to do. I use to think that writing was something that I loved to do and that therefore blogging would be easy for me to take on also. Notsomuch. Although I do love sharing certain aspects of my life, I would much rather read about other people's wild adventures or even mundane observations. I live a much simpler life now, sue me. This thought of loving writing did make me think about how I feel like ministry is that organic thing that I love to do.

I also recently attended a Beth Moore (lerve her) simulcast and she made the comment that her Scripture memory was changing her life right now. Although this statement was just a transitional story unrelated to her main point, I was totally stuck on that statement. And it wasn't the fact that she was memorizing Scripture that I was amazed with (although I am blown away when people can do this too). Rather I was fixated on the fact that she said that it was "changing her life." Like changing as in the current process of, an active occurrence in her life. I feel like so often we focus on the "change" that occurs when Christ comes into our lives but do little to acknowledge the fact that each day His mercies and grace are new and offer change and renewal every minute.

That said, I am changing and growing and I want to acknowledge this. I also want to do something that actively "changes my life every day." I have a friend who loves to take photos and has started a 365 days in photo journal on Facebook. How fun, but what a commitment. All I can think is how miserably I would fail when I would inevitably look up on day 3 and realize that I had neglected day 2 already. I found a 365 days in Scripture website and this was the Scripture for today:

Matt 6:22 - "If, then, your eye is simple, your whole body will be bright."

This is going to be an interesting journey I'm going to continue on...

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